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College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

我们正在培养科学和数学领域的下一代领导者, 培养他们成为具有协作性的批判性思考者,将课堂知识与实践研究经验相结合,提出并回答复杂的问题.


Faculty member and student look at lab equipment

NSM的教职员工每年从国家科学基金会等联邦机构获得数十万美元的外部资助, the National Institutes of Health, 和能源部通过竞争激烈的同行评审程序.

Professor writes math equation on white board

For its mentoring and outreach success, 美国数学学会授予CSUF数学系2022年“数学项目与众不同”奖.”


Group of students high five at desk

NSM offers multiple scholar training programs, 包括少数民族健康和健康差异研究培训计划, known as MHRT, 以及促进学生发展的本科生研究训练计划, known as U-RISE.

Why Choose College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Led by esteemed faculty researchers, CSUF提供广泛的奖学金和院系奖学金,以支持气候变化等主题的本科生研究, gravitational waves, mathematics education and Alzheimer’s disease.

CSUF多元化和专注的学生利用该领域的跨学科资源和经验, 实验室和研究中心,十大靠谱网赌平台他们的激情,并在他们的领域创造新的科学知识.

与教师导师一起参与尖端研究, CSUF students enjoy careers as geoscientists, field biologists, pharmacists, chemists, teachers and laboratory technicians, working at such companies as Kaiser Permanente, CVS, Gilead Sciences, Northrop Grumman and Johnson & Johnson.

Geology professor and student examining fossils

Hands-On Research

本科生和研究生团队在教师导师的指导下进行研究. 学生在国内和国际会议上展示他们的发现,并在同行评审的科学期刊上发表他们的研究成果.

Professor and student examining flora in the desert

Real-World Experiences

Whether students are in the classroom, lab or field, they have the tools they need to construct hypotheses, design experiments, collect and analyze data and solve difficult problems.

Professor showing an artifact with students

Teacher Education

教师专家在教学和学习方面发挥领导作用, 为未来的教育工作者准备K-12教师培训项目和课程. 

Interior hallway of renovated McCarthy Hall

Modern Labs

麦卡锡大厅的二楼经过翻新,包括新的教室和教学实验室, faculty research labs, student study spaces and computer labs. 实验室和教室里都配备了技术和设备,学生可以用它们来十大靠谱网赌平台相关问题并获得实践经验.

Majors and Degrees


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Joshua Smith和Geoffrey Lovelace研究引力波


科学发现和创新的数学解决方案是团队合作的产物, mentorship and collaboration. In our academic centers, 学生和教师并肩工作,进行研究,从理解计算科学到十大靠谱网赌平台宇宙的奥秘. 

Be a Part of the Solution

我们的教师和学生正在为科学和数学的未来铺平道路, 在数据科学等领域提出复杂的问题并进行关键的研究, disease prevention, sustainable energy and climate change.

你们对自然科学与数学学院的投资将支持新一代的科学家, 对推进科学发现充满热情的数学家和未来的教育家, 回馈社区,成为各自领域的领导者. 

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